The EC-VPL Team

Learning is more than ever important and valuable. People learn throughout their lives: formal learning at educational institutes, non-formal in training and at work and everywhere informal. People are encouraged to invest in their potential.

The changing socio-economic, socio-cultural and technological landscape is changing and moreover is the speed of this change increasing. The security of a job-for-life is changing into the security of job-hopping. Also several professions are getting obsolete and replaced with new professions, often with a higher qualification, arise. These ever faster going developments in the network society requires that the prevailing systems of professional training and education are adjusted and innovated.

It is almost impossible to predict what a young person needs to learn for life, when we consider that school going children will most likely have to work until 2080 or later and new-born will live into the new century.

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Our latest projects

StartEndAbbreviationProject Title
20202023PEPPYPromote Education Participation, Projects for Youth
20182020Bridge+Building up Regional Initiatives to Develop Skills-based GuidancE: A digital multi-actor approach
20182020ValChildValidation of non-formal and informal learning in childminding
20182020LEVER UPValuing informal learning and transversal competences acquired through volunteering to increase employability, social responsibility and mobility
20172019VPLB33rd VPL Biennale
20172017VINCEValidation for inclusion of new citizens in Europe
20162017RVA-BERecognition, validation and accreditation of basic youth and adult education as a foundation of lifelong learning
20142016WLGWork Life Guidance
20132017ESRALEEuropean Studies and Research in Adult Learning and Education
StartEndAbbreviationProject Title