Access to Lifelong Learning in Higher Education

in ALLinHE social and economic mobility is strengthened by developing VPL-approaches to link target groups to European HE-learning opportunities. The project allows learners to use their learning achievements, gained through different life-activities to broaden future learning opportunities.

Transatlantic Lifelong Learning

TRALL sought to strengthen the role of HEIs in offering LLL-opportunities that respond to social, cultural, economic and environmental needs of society; and using tools and strategies that allow for the recognition, validation and accreditation of non-formal and informal learning.

European Studies and Research in Adult Learning and Education

Redesigning the existing European Master in Adult Education making higher education more open and accessible by validation (assessment) of relevant kinds of learning outcomes/VNIL, making curricula more flexible, designing modules on VPL, assessment, counselling, self-management of competencies.

Work Life Guidance

Worklife guidance is an answer to the demand and needs for guidance and counselling arising at the workplace, among employees. It is one form of guidance and unites different methods of guidance focused on employees.

Validation for inclusion of new citizens in Europe

VINCE is specifically working on validation issues for refugees and migrants at higher education level. It links this issue of inclusion to the contribution from NGOs, working in the field with this target group.

Recognition, validation and accreditation of basic youth and adult education as a foundation of lifelong learning

In 2015, UNESCO initiated a research project on the recognition, validation and accreditation of the outcomes of non-formal and informal learning within the framework of the SIDA-funded “Rethinking Learning in a Complex World” project. This project, operating within the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aims at transformation by decreasing vulnerability and increasing sustainability … Read more

Global VPL Biennale

The initiative of the Global VPL Biennale is about the problem-solving potential of Validation of Prior Learning and is about sharing information, knowledge, ideas and visions on VPL and about the creative process of learning from each other’s successes, problems and solutions in ‘the VPL-world’.

VPL: The Unfinished Story in Europe

The underlying principle of lifelong learning is that initial education is no longer enough for a lifelong career. It is more important to develop your competences throughout your life. How? By accepting that your glass is already half filled!