Global VPL Biennale

The initiative of the Global VPL Biennale is about the problem-solving potential of Validation of Prior Learning and is about sharing information, knowledge, ideas and visions on VPL and about the creative process of learning from each other’s successes, problems and solutions in ‘the VPL-world’.

Across the globe, countries face big challenges in their working and learning systems. Much research has been done (and is going on) on the added value of the learning outcomes approach in National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs), the effectiveness of Human Resources Management-systems (HRM) and the methods for Validation of Prior Learning (VPL). The initiative of the Global VPL Biennale is about the problem-solving potential of Validation of Prior Learning and is about sharing information, knowledge, ideas and visions on VPL and about the creative process of learning from each other’s successes, problems and solutions in ‘the VPL-world’.

The 1st Biennale was in 2014 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands: The Power of VPL.

The 2nd Biennale was in 2017 in Aarhus, Denmark: The Learner in the Centre.

The 3rd Biennale will be in 2019 in Berlin, Germany: VPL for Social Inclusion.

To be continued bi-annually